Fastech introduces Ezi-SERVOII EtherCAT MINI, the new control system for closed-loop stepper motors, with a compact and miniature design to allow greater space savings. 

Ezi-SERVOII EtherCAT MINI uses the EtherCAT communication protocol, the high speed fieldbus (100 Mbps fullduplex).

ethercatbasedmotioncontrol mini Fastech introduces the new Ezi-SERVOII EtherCAT MINI stepper motor drive

Ezi-SERVOII EtherCAT MINI guarantees to operate at high speeds maintaining a stable position and without oscillations, and it allows an automatic reset to the original position even after experiencing positioning errors due to external forces. 

For further information, please consult the technical data sheet Stepping motor controllers Fastech – Ezi-SERVOII EtherCAT MINIor contact us at info@garnetitalia.com