Tamagawa technology for aerospace industry

Tamagawa products have been used in aerospace industry for over 30 years: stepper motors and resolvers are mounted on aerospace satellites, rockets and antennas. In these applications they are exposed to environments that require performance capabilities far superior to those for terrestrial applications.

This is possible thanks to Tamagawa’s constant commitment to providing highly reliable and perfectly functional products even for difficult environments.

To ensure high quality components, rigorous tests and in-depth inspections of every single process are carried out during the production phases, to guarantee totally safe and resistant products.  

Before being approved and used for new projects, Tamagawa products have to be approved by aerospace institution from which they are used, such as NASA and JAXA.

In space, it is very difficult and often impossible to repair a component, so reliability and resistance to extreme environments are crucial for the success of the mission.

Tamagawa Resolver on Curiosity and Perseverance

Tamagawa resolvers are high-precision and high-quality angular sensors, with great reliability.

Thanks to these characteristics they were chosen by NASA to be mounted on the Curiosity and Perseverance rovers for exploration missions on Mars.

Tamagawa Resolver on Curiosity and Perseverance

Curiosity was launched on November 26th 2011 as part of Mars Science Laboratory mission, and landed on the red planet on August 6th 2012, on the Bradbury landing site (in honor of writer Ray Bradbury).

The mission was expected to last a couple of years, but after 10 years it is still ongoing.

During its activity on Mars, the robot analyzed dozens of soil and rock samples, with the aim of studying the past and present ability of the red planet to sustain life. During these years of sampling and analysis, Curiosity detected various organic molecules traces and scientific evidence of ancient rivers and lakes on Mars, as well as sources of chemical energy and chemical ingredients necessary for life such as we know.

Tamagawa Resolver on Curiosity and Perseverance

The next mission, Mars 2020, brought Perseverance, a rover based on Curiosity structure, to Mars.

The launch took place on July 30th 2020 and Perseverance successfully landed on Mars surface on February 18th 2021, at the “Jezero” crater, which is believed to have had a river that emptied into a lake.

In addition to Perseverance rover, the mission sent a small helicopter called Ingenuity, which was able to make the first historic powered flights to a planet other than Earth, the first in space exploration history.

The main NASA mission goals are: determining if life ever existed on Mars,defining Mars environment, describing Martian geology and preparing for future human exploration.

In addition, future Mars Sample Return missions will bring back to Earth geological samples for more complete analysis. 

For more information about Tamagawa resolver contact us at info@garnetitalia.com and consult the page Tamagawa Resolver.